Slice of Life: Join the Ultimate Knife Bash with Your Knife Buddies – “Friday Night Blade Affair 2023”

Introduction to Friday Night Blade Affair 2023

Hey there, all you knife fanatics! We’re thrilled to be part of the excitement surrounding the event of the year: the Friday Night Blade Affair 2023, which we’re attending as avid knife enthusiasts. Get ready to mark your calendars for Friday, November 10, 2023, at 3:00 PM, because this shindig is going to be epic. And it’s not just for anyone; it’s for everybody who’s in on the knife scene. We’re talking knife lovers, makers, collectors, hunters, fishermen, survivalists, and, of course, everyone in between.

Who You'll Find at the Friday Night Blade Affair 2023?

You won’t believe the lineup at the Friday Night Blade Affair 2023. We’re talking legends like John Barker, Michael Burch, Peter Carey, Scot Cook, Jeremy Marsh, RJ Martin, Derrick Obatake, Walter Randolph, Michael Raymond, Tod Rexford, Sergey Shirogorov, Dmitri Sinkevitch, Mick Strider, Lee Williams, Tom Mayo, Bob Terzuola, Ernest Emerson, and guess what, Edison Barajas is the special guest. This is a dream team of knife creators that you won’t find anywhere else.

Join the Blade Party, Ya Dig?

Are you a knife lover? Well, this event is your jam! It’s where knife aficionados from all walks of life come together to celebrate the slickest, sharpest, and most stylish blades on the planet. It’s where knife heads meet, greet, and geek out over the coolest gear. Get ready to swap stories, show off your favorites, and maybe even snag that one knife you’ve been dreaming about.

Meet Your Blade Buddies and Have a Blast

It’s not just about knives; it’s about the people who share your love for blades. You’ll meet your “same blood type” buddies, and it’s going to be a blast. Swap tips and tricks, show off your collections, and connect with folks who speak your knife language. This is where you’ll make friends who understand your obsession.

Warm Up with Us on Social Media

Before the big day arrives, get in on the action. Follow us on Facebook at  and on Instagram at @sellyourknife.  We’re sharing useful event info, showcasing guest makers’ latest work, and revealing our top knife choices. It’s your ticket to a sneak peek into the blade extravaganza that’s right around the corner!

See You There!

So, we’ll see you there, right? You won’t want to miss the chance to exchange the latest buzz on knife tech and collector’s choices. It’s going to be a blade-tastic time, and we can’t wait to share it with you. Mark your calendars and get ready for the Friday Night Blade Affair 2023. It’s going to be sharp, slick, and simply unforgettable!

Join the event and meet us there